Tuesday 21 July 2015

Scaling The Wall

It's been 6 weeks today since I made the decision to give up drinking. So small in the grand scheme of things but also so monumental.

I'm in danger of getting complacent. The buzz of sobriety has worn off, I'm stressed with juggling work and school holidays, trying to be a good businesswoman and a good mum, and of course not getting either of them quite right. It's a high risk time....and then I read in Sober Mummy's blog that the relapse 'wall' is typically between Day 46 and Day 120 and I am staring right at it.

That's 74 days of danger, if you want to believe what I'm assuming isn't a precise and scientifically proven time period ;) 74 days of danger, compared to 42 days of relative ease so far. That's a hellish long time to be facing.

I have a sort of emergency plan in place, but I'm away from home for the whole of August so access to meetings etc won't be happening. All I really have is you lot, and a couple of people I can text, and willpower. I'm scared, and I feel threatened by this notional bad patch.

Maybe it won't be that bad - maybe it's because I've been up since 5am and am absolutely knackered that I'm being so negative.

On my way home I plan to buy as much AF beer as I can carry! :)


  1. Well at least you know what it is when it happens. That it's just a phase and that maybe (or maybe not) you'll just have to go over or around or under the wall. Arm yourself with whatever you need, af beers, chocolate, crisps, whatever. 42 days is amazing, don't let that snake in the grass try to convince you otherwise. I'm away for a couple of weeks this Saturday but am brining the laptop with me so I'll be around and checking in as much as I can. Please message me if you need to chat! mytimetoshine@gmail.com

    1. Thank you I really appreciate that - and likewise if you need anyone! susiesober99 at gmail dot com. Have a lovely break! xx
