Thursday 31 March 2016

Another Day 1

Wow, for someone who stayed sober for over 100 days, I suck at staying sober.

2 glasses of wine last night. Very pleasant, helped the conversation flow, topped off what was a great day. So WHY then did I neck the best part of a bottle of prosecco when I got home? I don't even like the bloody stuff.

So of course I feel rough. It's been a really stressful day too, trying to get the Tiny Human to the dentist and then to the child psych this evening, not finding any time to actually do my job...I don't know if the hangover is making the stress seem worse or not but it's definitely not helping.

I think I need to find some chocolate.


  1. Hi Susie, keep trying. You can do this! It's so hard in the beginning but so so worth it in the long run. A x

  2. Hi Susie!
    I am sorry you had a rough day.
    Start again.
