Wednesday 23 March 2016

Sober 2.2

So Day 2.1 was without drama. I fancied a G&T but persuaded myself not without too much stress. It's definitely easier than 'first time' which I suppose comes from the knowledge that I've done this before and I can do it again.

I'm okay with being back at the beginning. I'm an engineer so experimentation is in my makeup - I HAD to try to see if I could moderate. I have another experiment coming up in the summer too - my 40th with an all inclusive holiday. I'm definitely going to drink then - but hopefully a few months sober beforehand will mean that a relatively light intake will be enough to get me merry, and a defined 10 day window will stop me from 'sliding' again (as long as I am sure not to let that window widen).

I know that's the sort of excuse making that I should be wary's something I heard in myself over the past couple of months. I still don't want to say 'never' yet - maybe it will be Sober 3.0 where I'm ready to utter that word.

I forgot to take my meds a couple of days over the weekend, which meant that yesterday I felt quite manic and wonderful. Today it's hit me, and I've been irritable as hell - then when Small Person had a meltdown tonight I was very tempted to reach for the bottle and start again tomorrow. So far I have resisted - go me! Remembering that trick of going to bed early...think that might be tonight's tactic.


  1. As a fellow engineer I understand the want for logic.
    As a fellow drinker I must say just take it one day at a time.
    Get through today. Your trip will come later. Don't let it influence now.

    1. Yep, the trip is AGES away. Next thing to survive is a family meal on Saturday... ;)
