Thursday 23 July 2015

Day 45 Lard arse

Today I do not feel good about myself. Apparently I not only suck at doing my job and managing my time, I'm also the worlds worst mother. Oh, and then I caught sight of my naked self in the mirror. Holy heiffers, Batman.

I stopped weighing last year and I don't intend to start again. But I wonder if I can harness sober me to do another good thing for myself and try to get in shape and make better food choices. Am I asking too much of myself on top of the sobriety, and setting myself up to fail? Or am I setting myself up to succeed because it will be a nice thing to do for myself?

My problems are time and motivation. My boobs are too big for running. Swimming takes time, and planning. I don't really want to pay for a gym at least until winter. Also I like food.  

There's an opportunity coming up, a month away from home and hubby's cooking, by the sea for early morning jogging with the dog. I neèd to take it. But without a number on the scales how do I keep going. It won't bring instant rewards like sobriety did. 

This sounds like me talking myself into sobriety all over again. So. One day at a time?


  1. First, you didn't put the weight on in a few weeks, and it's not coming off in a few weeks.You don't have to stop eating (god forbid). You don't have to run (I wouldn't unless something was chasing me).

    You just have to burn more calories than you take in-- eat less, move more. If you walk for an hour and choose veggies instead of pasta, we're looking at about 300-400 calories you burned/avoided, only have to do that for 10 days and you've lost a pound. It all adds up: choosing water instead of a coke, eat a smaller treat, doing physical chores (that need to get done anyway).

    If you like the gym, go ahead and give yourself a membership.If you need a financial justification for this, let's say you are re-allocating your former alcohol budget to your current wellness (and you're still coming out ahead!)

    But yes, take it a day at a time. Losing all your weight at once isn't going to happen, so to borrow from Dove (I think) Love the skin your in!

    Second, you are BRILLIANT at your job (per your post a few days ago) and you are a wonderful caring mom. So there.

    1. I was doing great today until I found a bag of marshmallows in the kitchen. Whoops!! :) Thank you for the encouragement xx

  2. Well, marshmallows are just little things after all.

    1. Oh these are those massive American things, about the size of a child's head. Basically a meal in themselves ;)
